Lucky Star 22, Dennou Coil 14

Blogged by on Thursday October 4th, 2007 at 6:20 am in Anime (spoilers), English | 0 Comments »

Again thanks to afk I got a reason to rewatch an awesome episode.

I sometimes feel that, despite being one of the four main characters, Miyuki gets a rather limited screentime.

Konata and Kagami sharing a sweet potatoe. Usually in anime, it’s what we call an indirect kiss, and they make quite a fuss about. Funny that Konata-chan didn’t mention anything about it, you would expect that she’d tease Kagamin with that.

I guess it’s the reason why Soujirou is so appreciated on 4ch*n.

Second half was simply awesome. I shed manly tears.

Dennou 14 was mostly a summary episode. Well, it’s ok once in a while.

Is it me, or does Akira actually use his pet for peeping on her sis Fumie under the shower ?

Akira-sama is watching you.



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