
Blogged by on Friday February 27th, 2009 at 5:14 pm in English, Junk (絵日記) | 5 Comments »

Got again some weird urge to draw something a couple of weeks ago, and made another junk. Since I just got my own scanner, I can finally post it.

This is my first try at Konata’s wife, Kagamin.

Yeah, even though Kagamin is my favorite in LS and one of my fav character in anime history, the only Lucky Star related junk I made until now was Patty, for some reason. orz

I liked it at this point so I took a picture, in case I would screw it afterwards

A bit later…

dscn0729 dscn0730
For the pose, didn’t really think about it before drawing, just wanted to go for some ‘happy’ pose. The pocky is kind of obligatory when it comes to Kagami. XD

Deh final :

dscn0732 dscn0733
The hands need more work, but I do like the face and hair.

And finally the scanned version :


Didn’t really clean it, cause I’m planning to ‘vector’ and color all my junks once I’m familiar with Kyonko (my laptop).



5 Responses »

  1. Comment by Kuro | February 27, 2009 @ 6:12 pm

    Pourquoi ne pas investir dans une tablette graphique ?!

    Sinon c’est sympa ! :o

  2. Comment by Joe Lebowski | February 28, 2009 @ 4:25 pm

    c’était prévu, j’attends la paie ^^;

  3. Comment by Kuro | March 3, 2009 @ 6:46 pm

    Ah oki ! J’espère que tu sauras bien t’en servir !

    Tain, ça me gave trop de ne pas savoir dessiner… T-T

  4. Comment by Joe Lebowski | March 6, 2009 @ 4:39 pm

    >Tain, ça me gave trop de ne pas savoir dessiner… T-T

    et moi donc… orz

    je crois que je vais faire comme Najimi dans Doujin Work volume 4 et m’enfermer un mois complet comme un hikikomori pour dessiner non-stop :o

    me manque plus qu’un “Justice-san” pour m’apprendre :/

  5. Comment by Kuro | March 6, 2009 @ 5:49 pm

    lol, c’est le seul moyen pour avancer je pense ! :o

    Bah sinon toi t’arrives à quelque chose, moi je pue trop, j’arrive à rien… ^^’

    Même quand je dessine en “bâton” je pue… XD

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