Zic(s) du moment :
Tears For Fears – Raoul and the Kings of Spain
I know that there are less and less posts on this blog, but that’s because I’m leaving for Tokyo in a bit less than a month, so I’m preparing.
I’ve been quite shocked to see that there was only 15 pics of Chu-Bra on pixiv. I mean, we’re talking about a site on which japanese otaku post hundred of pics every minute, reaching a total of nearly 9 millions and half pics. But still, there are only 15 Chu-Bra pics. How is it even possible ? I expected japanese otaku to watch and to have a bit of interest in every shows, but it looks like nobody is actually watching this show that I find quite entertaining though. To not get any fanart or doujinshi, you can say it makes this show a huge failure for the studio which made it, popularity-wise. Also, the fact that I watch this show actually kind of make me more hardcore than a japanese otaku, I guess ?
Anyway, adding Nayu x Kiyono is the yuri wishing list.